Friday, February 14, 2014

Jackie Kennedy Inspiration- Help Get this dress OFF! {DIY Fashion- TROUBLE Dress in a day!}

The Adventure of trouble!

Here's the story; last minute decision to go on holidays- giving me only a couple hours to finish this dress {because when I start something I must finish!}. 

Basically due to my lack of time...
I rushed some steps and the end result may have looked good from the outside but I knew the flaws it really acquired hahaha. The classic 50s and 60s fashion in dresses is something I can't resist to browse through and as I recently bought this book (these precious few days; the final year of Jack with Jackie by Christopher Anderson). I loved Jackie Kennedy's- the 35th US President's wife- dress on the cover, she was quiet a style icon in the early 60's. 

                                      (the skirt is more flowly but I've pinned it all at the back)

I didn't have the pattern for this dress and therefore had to make my own (this was a very exciting adventure), although I didn't make my own pattern I used other patterns I found and had and adjusted them to suit the design of the dress using my mannequin- that I got for Christmas!- as my model. 'Thanks to Jeanne at I was able to use the bodice design and adjust it with a higher round-circle- neck design and I used my butterick 5708 skirt pattern- which I slimmed down due to my lack of material which is also why I have a seam in the middle of my bodice.

Not only was I limited on time but also was limited on material hahaha. But in the end I luckily made do with what I had :) For the construction of joining the bodice to the skirt I used the tutorial from Leanne's blog here and also for including the pockets which I had never done before :) 

Now the final problem/not was installing the zipper, all I had was a short white invisible zipper which was only long enough to fit the bodice (I had never sewn an invisible zipper before and didn't have time to search how so I did what I thought and it looked surprisingly good hahaha), I didn't think this would be such a problem because I had elastic around the waist, that I thought would help me fit through. But boy was I wrong!

Time for trying it on! (which I only did once during the making of it and it fit just fine) hahaha But I couldn't get it through around my shoulders, so I kept pushing and pushing and tried different ways to get it on and finally I fit it through I have no idea how ( even though I really shouldn't have kept trying, I think it was a good enough warning if I couldn't get it on, then how in the world was I to get it off?

That's when real trouble began hahaha, I had to undo the stitching at my waist this only took the skirt off and then I had to undo the seams of the bodice and it finally came off. It may sound as if it didn't take long but really it took my an hour of trying and finally mum said "You have to cut it off" and this just crushed me... But it had to be done otherwise I would be stuck in it FOREVER! hahaha - In the end at least I got to get a good laugh about it.

Anyways that was my trouble of making a dress in a day... I have made a new check-list to fix the dress:
- add elastic to the bodice and skirt
- I bought a new zipper ( a much longer one)
- sew bodice and skirt together on the elastic
- iron bias binding and hem of skirt

Bye for now and Thanks for reading.

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