Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ahead of Time- Making of Formal Dress- Butterick Retro 5607

 Very Very Very... light purple (The material for the dress)

I know my formal is still well ahead of time but I don't think I will have anytime to make my dress during year 12, so I have decided to make it in the next 2 weeks- WHICH ARE COMPLETELY FREE FOR ME! Now for the special dress and theme I have chosen the time era of the 1950's, in fact the pattern I have chosen is Butterick Retro 5708 ('53), which is one dress but the bodice may be worn in numerous variations. Today I took a trip to Spotlight and purchased this pattern and without realising the pattern was $21.00, it sure was a real shock for me but no way was I going to reject buying it.

Line Art

 But for me I absolutely love view A. Usually the pattern packet is thick and weighs a little but the packet for this pattern is as light as a feather. Although I am not to fond of the 50s hair, I may level out a hairstyle of the 50's and 60's, but on the other hand now looking in google for '50's hairstyles of long wavy hair', I actually have chosen some I like. The only thing I'm worried about in making this dress is inserting the 14" invisible zipper. (scary)

1920s-1950s hairstyles :  wedding hair hair trial styles vintage 171916

1920s-1950s hairstyles :  wedding hair hair trial styles vintage O10

1950s Hairstyles for Women with Long Hair 2

Don't stop click to see more hairstyles and info...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Bad Addiction (I can't help it)

Some of us obsessions/addictions to all sorts of things, I'm pretty sure everyone does. Just like my obsession with buying endless numbers of dresses and shoes at a consistent rate (that being every time we go shopping), my new addiction is buying sewing patterns. I recently found some really great stores at ArtFire; Sewinghappyplace ( and TodaysTreasure (, I couldn't limit myself to buying just one instead I bought 6 vintage patterns (and I don't think I'm finished). Here they are, I couldn't decide which one to buy, so I bought them all:

Vintage 60s Straight Flared Dress Pattern Size 12 Simplicity 5036

Vintage 60s Straight Flared Dress Pattern Size 12 Simplicity 5036

Dress Slip Overdress Pattern McCalls 8992 Size 12 Vintage 1960s

Dress Slip Overdress Pattern McCalls 8992 Size 12 Vintage 1960s

Misses Shirtwaist Dress Pattern Size 14.5 Mail Order 4627

Bewitched Bewitched! You've Got me in Your Spell

 Bewitched premiered at 9:00/8:00 Central on ABC 48 years ago on September 17, 1964. 
This is amazing 48 years before I was born, my FAVOURITE show aired!

I really want the book written by David Pierce, called "The Bewitched History book".


Monday, September 17, 2012

Today I'm 17 on the 17th!

I feel so much older not in the sense of feeling older but the number makes me seem older, sixteen used to feel like a middle number to me. Unfortunate for me I had to study all day because tomorrow I have a modern History exam... :( Last year I had an amazing birthday, I had a party with many friends and (presents!). It was the greatest party I had yet! But on the bright side of the things I share this special day 17/9 with my dad.

Here is a preview of tonight (with a funny story):

Silver locket bracelet that I specifically asked for! :) I absolutely love it!

My Dress! from my mum, largely inspired by Zooey Deschanel, when I saw it, there was no going back. I had to have it :)
Front (The collar is my favourite)


Matching pair of shoes which I bought at Big W for only $5.00 from $29.98 :O

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Black & Red Bow now for Sale!

Here is an outfit which is very similar to what I was wearing today and to compliment my causal look I have included a new bow (which btw I have made myself). This outfit is fun causal and can be worn basically anywhere, keeping reading below to find pictures of my outfit and new bow for sale at Etsy!

Black & Red

Blue checkered shirt
$26 -

J brand skinny jeans

Rhinestone shoes

bow ties are cool embroidery hoop wall art
Below is my outfit I wore today, which features the bow I made:

Saturday, September 15, 2012


I want to specifically thank Ilana for creating this fantastic layout and template for lovalafashion! Thank you :)